
From 1998 until his passing in 2010, Derick was the teaching pastor with ChristChurch, Belfast. Derick didn’t just preach and write about encouragement, he practised it all the time in practical ways. Many people were influenced by his preaching and teaching over the years, but many were also touched by his gentle encouragement by word and deed.
If any people anywhere are qualified and equipped to a ministry of positive and healthy encouragement in a desperately discouraging world, it is the Christian Church. Christian disciples, Christ said, are the “salt of the earth.” They should make life tasty! They should be, above all else, encouragers. Godly love never looks on another believer’s success as a threat, it looks on it as a blessing. It gets right in there, giving all the possible support and goodwill it can possibly give, immediately.
The late Derick Bingham (1946-2010) was a renowned Bible teacher, pastor, broadcaster and writer from Northern Ireland. During his lifetime he authored more than thirty books. For twenty years, his ‘Tuesday Night’ Bible Class at Belfast’s Crescent Church attracted up to to a thousand people from far and wide. He was a speaker at Keswick Convention in England, conducted public Bible classes in Scotland and Northern Ireland, and travelled internationally teaching and preaching. He was also an Adjunct Professor of English Literature at the John Brown University and a Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts.
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